Archive for May, 2022
News for England South-West – 22 May 2022
The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 0730UTC every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Visit the website for details. On Sundays, Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.3875MHz from 7pm, on 50.180MHz SSB from 8pm and the club […]
News for Wales – 22 May 2022
The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 0730UTC every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Visit the website for information. At a meeting held on the 12th of May, members of Wrexham ARS and Marches ARS voted to merge the clubs to […]
1970 Yaesu FT101 transceiver donated to NRC

Paul Riley has proudly donated a 1970s’ era Yaesu FT101 transceiver to the RSGB National Radio Centre. It belonged to his late father Ken Riley, G3JAS. It will form part of the ‘Time-Line’ display which illustrates the development of wireless communication from the earliest days through to modern equipment. Paul and his wife made the […]
RSGB Commonwealth Games activities
The Commonwealth Games will be held in Birmingham later this summer. It will see around 4,500 athletes from 72 nations and territories, compete in 19 sports across 14 competition venues. The RSGB has just published news of the various activities it is planning to link with the Games. You can get involved in one of […]
Platinum Jubilee activities
It isn’t long now until the RSGB’s Platinum Jubilee activities kick off. There is a wide range of things to be part of, from using the /70 suffix to creating something for the Innovation 70 competition or having a go at the WSPR 70 fun challenge. There is also still time to activate one of […]
2021 – a year in numbers

Despite the restrictions implemented in the UK to respond to the changing landscape of Covid, the RSGB continued to support radio amateurs in the UK. In line with the Society’s strategic goal to have an active and thriving radio amateur community, the RSGB provided high-quality information and resources to help people to get started in, or […]