Archive for 2021

SAQ Grimeton transmits on Sunday

| October 22, 2021

Sunday, 24 October 2021, is United Nations Day and the historic Alexanderson alternator in Grimeton, Sweden—with call sign SAQ—is scheduled to send out a message on 17.2kHz using CW. The live stream on YouTube starts at 1425UTC, with tuning at 1430UTC. The transmission begins at 1500UTC.

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| October 22, 2021

The RSGB QSL Bureau is continuing to search for a new sub-manager for the G4T to G4Z group. Members in this call group are encouraged to check the RSGB website for latest information and not to send further collection envelopes until a new appointment is made. If you enjoy QSL cards, have space and time, […]

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Rallies and Events News – 24 October 2021

| October 22, 2021

Before travelling to any rally or event, please check the event’s website as there may still be alterations or cancellations due to the pandemic. The Holsworthy Radio Rally will take place on the 7th of November at Holsworthy Leisure Centre. Doors open at 10am. Several rallies have been cancelled, as previously publicised. The Galashiels Rally, […]

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DX News – 24 October 2021

| October 22, 2021

A team of four operators will be active as C5C from Kololi, in The Gambia between the 24th of October and the 19th of November. Expect activity on all bands using SSB, CW and FT8 in Fox & Hound mode, plus the QO-100 satellite. See for their planned operating frequencies. QSL direct to F5RAV. […]

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Special Events News – 24 October 2021

| October 22, 2021

From the 25th of October, British Railways ARS members Mark, G1PIE and Pam, 2E1HQY will be operating GB0LMR as part of the society’s 55th anniversary year. Operations will be from Preston in Lancashire and 40m will be the main band. More available here. Until the 2nd of November, West of Scotland ARS will be running […]

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Contest News – 24 October 2021

| October 22, 2021

When operating in contests, please keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe by following relevant pandemic-related government recommendations. This weekend, the UK EI Contest Club DX SSB contest ends its 24-hour run at 1200UTC today, the 24th. Using the contest bands between 3.5 and 28MHz, the exchange is signal report, which is optional, serial number and […]

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