Archive for 2021

RadCom June 2021, Vol. 97, No. 6

| May 28, 2021
RadCom June 2021, Vol. 97, No. 6

Signal strength – what does your S-meter actually indicate? To read this edition, tap or click cover image News and Reports Annual RSGB Trophy Presentations 56 Around Your Region – Club events calendar 84 Around Your Region – Events roundup 88 New products 15 News 12 RSGB Matters 6 Special Interest Groups News 16 Regulars […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| May 28, 2021

Some of the RSGB’s GB2RS web pages have been updated recently and the Society has launched a video to explain more about the news service. The RSGB is always keen to find additional newsreaders so do get in touch if you’d like to join the team. To see the video, find out more about GB2RS […]

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DX News – 30 May 2021

| May 28, 2021

Jean-Louis, 5N7MSF is active from Nigeria until the 15th of September. He works for Doctors Without Borders and will be operating during his spare time and the weekends. QSL via eQSL. Steve, VK6SJ now plans to be active as VK9XX from Christmas Island, IOTA OC-002, until the 11th of June. Expected hours of operation are […]

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Special Events News – 30 May 2021

| May 28, 2021

Hull & District ARS continues its GB1OOH centenary celebrations, now with over 1,500 QSOs logged from around the world. GB5UTA will be on the air between the 1st and the 28th of June promoting amateur radio among the 450,000 strong University of the Third Age members. U3A is an organisation that aims to help people […]

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Contest News – 30 May 2021

| May 28, 2021

With different parts of the UK having different lockdown restrictions, please make sure you follow the appropriate regulations. Several contests now accept portable entries, so please check the contest rules. Above all, please follow relevant national and local restrictions. The CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest ends its 48 hour run at 2359UTC today, the […]

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Propagation News – 30 May 2021

| May 28, 2021

“May you live in interesting times.” So says the ancient Chinese curse, and last week was interesting, to say the least. Sunspot region 2824 was joined by region 2826, pushing the solar flux index to 88. At the same time, a coronal mass ejection from region 2824 threatened to push the Kp index high on […]

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