Archive for August, 2021

Also in GB2RS this week…

| August 20, 2021

Part two of the BATC Convention will take place on 16 October 2021. It will be a day of free online talks about amateur television. More information at The International Air Ambulance Week will take place between 4 and 12 September 2021. The event covers two weekends, giving amateurs a great chance to get […]

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Rallies and Events News – 22 August 2021

| August 20, 2021

Before travelling to any rally or event, please check the event’s website as there may be alterations or cancellations due to the current restrictions. Today, the 22nd, a Grand Field Day Out will be held at Willesborough Windmill, Ashford, just off M20 junction 10. As previously publicised the Milton Keynes ARS Rally, originally due to […]

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DX News – 22 August 2021

| August 20, 2021

Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as 5X3R from Uganda until the 2nd of September. QSL via IK2DUW direct; the log will be uploaded to Club Log. A team will be active as EJ7NET from Gola Island, IOTA reference EU-121, until the 25th of August. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on the 80 to […]

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Special Events News – 22 August 2021

| August 20, 2021

Today, the 22nd, is the final day of the International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend. Many lighthouses, lightships and associated places will be activated for this annual event. Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society will be operating as GB0CSL from the Covesea Skerries Lighthouse, Lossiemouth, with the kind permission of the lighthouse trustees. GB0ELH will be active […]

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Contest News – 22 August 2021

| August 20, 2021

When operating in contests, please keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe by following any government recommendations during the pandemic. August is the month of the traditional summer holiday so there are no RSGB HF contests this month. On Tuesday the SHF UK Activity Contest runs from 1830 to 2130UTC. Using all modes on the 2.3 […]

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Propagation News – 22 August 2021

| August 20, 2021

We had another week of low sunspot numbers, but generally settled geomagnetic conditions. The solar flux index generally stayed in the range of 73-75, which is nothing to get too excited about. The Kp index hit a maximum of three, but was more often at zero or one. Maximum usable frequencies over a 3,000km path […]

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