Archive for July, 2021
GB2RS News Script for 25 July 2021
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 25 July 2021 (15-page/418KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.
RSGB Convention

Despite hoping to meet face-to-face again this year, the RSGB Convention in October will again be online. This major indoor event takes many months to plan and, due to continuing Covid-19 uncertainty, the Society has to make the safety of attendees, volunteers and staff a priority. The RSGB is putting together another programme of excellent […]
RadCom Basics – July 2021 edition now out
We are pleased to announce the July 2021 edition of RadCom Basics is now available at In this edition you can read about split frequency operation, and more on logging and eLog, amongst other subjects. Check out all the topics covered by new and familiar contributors—whether you’re new to the hobby, or returning and […]
NRC Net to close
As life returns, we hope, to a degree of normality, the regular weekday National Radio Centre net will cease. Instead, at 10.30am on 3.737MHz an informal gathering will take place for those that want to call in and have a QSO. The RSGB would like to thank Nigel, G4RWI, who ran the NRC 80m net […]
DARC reports survey results
The German national society (DARC) has published the results of the amateur radio survey they conducted for the IARU. They had 550 respondents. The results are available via the DARC website, in German. There are some similarities with the RSGB’s survey, as well as opinions on FT8 and licensing.