Archive for May, 2021

Contest News – 9 May 2021

| May 7, 2021

With different parts of the UK having different lockdown restrictions, please make sure you follow the appropriate regulations. Several contests now accept portable entries, so please check the contest rules. Above all, please follow relevant national and local restrictions. Today, the 9th, the 70MHz CW contest runs from 0900 to 1200UTC. The exchange is signal […]

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Propagation News – 9 May 2021

| May 7, 2021

The Sun was devoid of sunspots last week, which saw the solar flux index plummet to 70 – pretty much what it is around sunspot minimum. The good news is that an active region is rotating into view. Region 2817 is currently just on the Sun’s eastern limb as this report is being prepared and […]

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News for England Midlands – 9 May 2021

| May 7, 2021

Solihull Amateur Radio Society is taking part in Mills on the Air as GB1SMP today. On Thursday the net is from 8pm on 145.450MHz. Burton Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.575MHz FM. Monday sees CW training from 11am on 14.055MHz. On Wednesday there’s an open net on […]

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News for England North – 9 May 2021

| May 7, 2021

With the welcome lifting of Covid restrictions on the Isle of Man, meetings at the club shack in Ballasalla have resumed. There is a net on Wednesday evenings on the Carnane 70cm repeater from 7.30pm and will be continued for those who can’t make club nights. The nets on Sundays will continue on 3.715MHz at […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 9 May 2021

| May 7, 2021

Antrim and District Amateur Radio Club activates GB2CW on Tuesdays from 7pm on 145.250MHz FM. This is ideal for anyone interested in learning Morse or wanting to brush up their CW skills. All are welcome to call in. Transmissions are from Co Down, covering greater Belfast and surrounding areas. It’s good fun and the sessions […]

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News for Scotland – 9 May 2021

| May 7, 2021

The listing of all known nets in Scotland, collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS is published here West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a daily net from 11am on 145.425MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on 433.425MHz and on Friday there […]

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