Archive for April, 2021
GB2RS News Script for 11 April 2021
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 11 April 2021 (12-page/230KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.
RSGB Patron, Silent Key

We are deeply saddened by the death of His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, KG, KT. He had been the Radio Society of Great Britain’s patron since 1952 and joined the Society on several occasions. These included special event stations, anniversary events and exhibitions. In 1988, he attended the 75th Anniversary Convention […]
Friendship on the Air
The RSGB has launched the Friendship on the Air Award to support the radio amateur community as restrictions lift over the coming months. There will be monthly and annual awards for individuals, clubs and the highest-scoring club in each region. The points system is simply an encouragement to get on the air, represent your club […]
RSGB online AGM
The RSGB is holding its AGM online this year on Saturday the 24th of April. The event will include both the formal AGM business and a presentation by John Rogers, M0JAV on the new EMF licence regulations. If you are an RSGB Member you can submit written questions for Board Directors in advance through a […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
We are saying farewell to a couple of our long-standing newsreaders. Tony, G1JPV has decided to stand down and we would like to thank him for his dedication to GB2RS. We’re also saying goodbye to Colin, G3ISB/DJ0OK, a stalwart of the 40m broadcasts from Germany alongside Günter, M0DXM/DJ2XB. Thank you Colin for your work on […]
DX News – 11 April 2021
Joe, 9H5JO will be on the air at weekends during April from Malta. Between 1200 and 1300UTC each weekend he will listen specifically for Foundation licensees on, or very near to, 14.268MHz. This could be a really good opportunity to get Malta in your logbook. Ruud, PG1R will be active as PG96WARD until the 30th […]