Archive for March, 2021

Ofcom EMF regulations

| March 5, 2021

On 1 March 2021, Ofcom published a General Notification on their website that proposes to vary all amateur radio licences. It requires licensees to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits of EMF. Licensees have until 18 April 2021 to make any representations to Ofcom. They have also informed us that they are contacting all […]

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NHS lauds ‘Get on the air to care’

| March 5, 2021

A report about the hugely successful RSGB and NHS ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign has been publicised on the NHS Networks website this week. We have committed to keep ‘Get on the air to care’ running as long as the restrictions exist, in order to support radio amateurs and to share the benefits […]

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GB2RS News Script for 7 March 2021

| March 5, 2021

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 7 March 2021 (15-page/235KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 5, 2021

Have you given your views in the RSGB’s consultation on a proposed new, Direct to Full licence exam? Over 1,000 people have responded already so make sure your voice is heard by completing the Society’s survey. The consultation closes on Sunday, 14 March 2021. The background to this consultation, as well as links to the […]

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DX News – 7 March 2021

| March 5, 2021

Bill, K9HZ; Dan, W0CN; and Kyle, WA4PGM will be active from St Lucia operating as J68HZ, CN and PG respectively. They will be there until 11 March. QSL via Logbook of The World or direct to home call signs. Andy, DK5ON is in Curaçao until 23 March. He plans to operate SSB, CW and digital […]

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Special Events News – 7 March 2021

| March 5, 2021

Chris, GM3WOJ will be active as GB2CR until 18 March. He will operate SSB and some CW on the 80 to 10m bands using vintage valve radio equipment manufactured by the Collins Radio Company. QSL via Logbook of The World. Paper QSLs will not be available. GB2VAX will be operational from the QTH of Andy, […]

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