Archive for January, 2021

News for Scotland – 24 January 2021

| January 22, 2021

Details of all known nets in Scotland are collated by RSGB Regional Rep Tony, MM0TMZ in association with Jack, GM4COX and the West of Scotland ARS, and published at The GMDX January Activity Challenge, which is open to all current members of GMDX, continues until the 31st of January. Details from Rob, GM3YTS, via […]

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News for England South-East – 24 January 2021

| January 22, 2021

Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 5pm via GB3BN. On Wednesday there’s a DMR net from 7.40pm on Brandmeister TG23529, followed at 8pm by a net on 145.375MHz FM. For details, email Burnham Beeches Radio Club has a net from 10.30am on Sundays, settling on 145.275MHz. Contact Greg, G4EBY, via […]

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News for England South-West – 24 January 2021

| January 22, 2021

Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club has a daily stay well net on GB3ZB from 10.30am. On Wednesday there’s a Zoom meeting from 8pm and Fridays see a net on 145.450MHz. For details, email Guernsey Amateur Radio Society has a net on Tuesday and Thursday from 8pm, beginning on 145.500MHz. Friday sees a […]

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News for Wales – 24 January 2021

| January 22, 2021

Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society holds an 80m SSB net from 2.30pm every Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday see a net via GB3FG from 8pm. On Wednesdays there’s an FM or Fusion net from 7.30pm via GB3CM. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880. Newport Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 10am around 3.705MHz. […]

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The Telegraph

| January 21, 2021

Nick Redmayne, G6PQW has written an engaging piece in The Telegraph this week about how the lockdown has reinvigorated a teenage interest in amateur radio. The piece includes a quote from RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas, M1ACB. Unfortunately The Telegraph won’t give us permission to share the full article directly on our website but has […]

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Modern Views of Electricity

| January 21, 2021
Modern Views of Electricity

By Oliver J. Lodge, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. When Oliver Lodge started working with electricity, he was following in the footsteps of Heinrich Hertz who had produced and detected electric waves. He identified electromagnetic radiation independent of Hertz’s proof and, at his 1894 Royal Institution lectures, Lodge demonstrated an early radio wave detector he named the […]

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