Archive for January, 2021
RadCom February 2021, Vol. 97, No. 2

Dual band FM and C4FM—Tim Kirby reviews Yaesu’s new FTM-300DE FM/Fusion mobile To read this edition, tap or click cover image News and Reports Around Your Region – Club events calendar 87 Around Your Region – Events roundup 90 New products 15 News 12 RSGB Band Plan 2021 44 RSGB Honour Roll 54 RSGB Matters […]
GB2RS News Script for 24 January 2021
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 24 January 2021 (11-page/211KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.
SSTV from the Space Station this week
Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station are planning to transmit slow scan TV images on 145.800MHz FM using the SSTV mode PD-120. On the 28th of January, the transmissions will be between 1210UTC and 1715UTC. On the 29th they will broadcast between 1310UTC and 1805UTC. Please note that these times could vary depending on […]
Orlando Hamcation postponed
This year’s Orlando Hamcation has been postponed. Usually held in February, there will instead be online events. Go to to check out all the events and webinars that will be happening. You must register for the webinars that you want to watch, but registration is free.
Enter Construction Competition
Have you entered the RSGB’s ‘Get on the air to care’ construction competition? The deadline is 1 February. Send a short description of your project to and include a few photographs, a video if possible and any related circuit diagrams.
Also in GB2RS this week…
Nick Redmayne, G6PQW has written an engaging piece in The Telegraph about how the lockdown has reinvigorated a teenage interest in amateur radio. The piece includes a quote from RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas, M1ACB. Well done Nick. Filmmaker Luka Vukos released his short film ISS_Overs that is available for previewing until the 29th of […]