Archive for 2020

News for Wales – 28 June 2020

| June 26, 2020

Blackwood and District Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Sundays from noon around 3.703MHz. Friday sees an open net from 7pm on 144.575MHz FM. Live streams of both are at Details from Rob, MW0CVT, via email to Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has its 80m SSB net every Sunday from 2.30pm. There […]

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Emergency Services Times

| June 24, 2020

The RSGB/NHS campaign was profiled in the July 2020 edition of the Emergency Services Times (EST). Read EST article Get on the air to care #GOTA2C (1-page/146KB PDF) Thanks to the Editor, David Brown, for permission to share this on our communication channels.

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ARRL QST magazine

| June 24, 2020

The ARRL magazine, QST, features the RSGB/NHS Get on the air to care campaign and also profiled the BBC news online coverage. Read QST article Amateur Radio Gains Significant Boost in UK by Connecting People During Lockdown (1-page/119KB PD Reprinted with permission, July 2020 QST © ARRL.

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Important RSGB Convention announcement

| June 19, 2020

In response to the UK’s continuing social distancing regulations, the RSGB Convention Committee has changed the arrangements for the RSGB Convention on 9 to 11 October 2020. Instead of the physical Convention in Milton Keynes, the RSGB is instead holding an online Convention on Saturday, 10 October 2020. Whether you’re a new licensee or have […]

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Tonight @ 8: Antennas for small gardens

| June 19, 2020

Don’t forget the RSGB’s new series of webinars that began on 15 June 2020. The next Tonight @ 8 is on 29 June 2020 and is a presentation, Antennas for Small Gardens, by Steve Nichols, G0KYA. You can watch the live stream and ask questions on either the RSGB YouTube channel or the special Tonight […]

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Amateur awarded Order of Australia

| June 19, 2020

Tony Hutchison, VK5ZAI has received the Order of Australia in the Queen’s birthday honours list for significant service to amateur radio, particularly to satellite and space communication. Amongst his many roles, he is the National Coordinator and one of 10 official ARISS VHF/UHF telebridge stations to the International Space Station and a HamTV ground station. […]

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