Archive for 2020

News for Wales – 19 July 2020

| July 17, 2020

Blackwood and District Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Sundays from noon around 3.703MHz. Friday sees an open net from 7pm on 144.575MHz FM. Live streams of both are at Details from Rob, MW0CVT, via email to Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has its 80m SSB net every Sunday from 2.30pm. Wednesday […]

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Gazette & Herald

| July 13, 2020

Pickering radio amateur Phil Catterall, G4OBK talked to his local paper, the Gazette & Herald, about how he has been enjoying amateur radio for 40 years. Phil is a member of Scarborough Amateur Radio Society

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13 July 2020 – How to check for VDSL RFI by John Rogers, M0JAV

| July 13, 2020
13 July 2020 – How to check for VDSL RFI by John Rogers, M0JAV

? John’s presentation The RSGB EMC Committee (EMCC) has been investigating VDSL interference since 2014. As the number of installations has risen to over 30M the interference level at amateur radio stations has also increased. The majority of radio amateurs are now impacted by this problem. In the May 2020 RadCom we outlined how to […]

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Third Tonight @ 8 webinar streamed

| July 13, 2020
Third Tonight @ 8 webinar streamed

Our third live webinar in the Tonight @ 8 series, How to check with VDSL RFI with John Rogers, M0JAV, was streamed live between 20.15 and 21.21 on Monday, 13 July 2020. A recording of John’s webinar with additional information is now available on the RSGB website Or, you can watch it on YouTube Find […]

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RSGB papers for IARU-R1 Conference

| July 11, 2020

Papers on a variety of topics by a team of RSGB volunteers are now available for the IARU-R1 Virtual Conference in October. HF-UHF Modernisation and the WRC-23 challenge in the 23cm band all feature The full set of IARU papers is due by early August.

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RSGB online Convention streams announced

| July 10, 2020

The RSGB online Convention will consist of two streams. The first is called An introduction to… and will include a wide range of topics to support new and returning radio amateurs as well as existing amateurs who’d like to try something new. The second is Learn more about… where speakers dig deeper into the details […]

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