Archive for 2020

Also in GB2RS this week…

| August 21, 2020

The CW Open for 2020 takes place over the first weekend of September 2020, and is sponsored by the CW Operators’ Club. The three sessions are all on 5 September 2020, from 0000 to 0359UTC, then 1200 to 1559UTC, and finally 2000 to 2359UTC—see for full details. Tim, G4YBU, and Richard, G8ITB have planned […]

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RSGB 2020 Construction Competition now open

| August 21, 2020

The RSGB 2020 Construction Competition is now open for entries. There are four categories, including one specifically for people who are new to amateur radio. Deadline for entries is 25 September 2020. For more details, including how to enter, see

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Special Events News – 23 August 2020

| August 21, 2020

Since the change of regulations applying to special event stations in the UK, many activations are now able to go ahead. UK amateurs would like to thank Ofcom for their help in making this happen. To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VJ Day, the RSGB has organised a VJ Day amateur radio marathon on the […]

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DX News – 23 August 2020

| August 21, 2020

Many stations will be on the air this weekend from lighthouses around Europe and beyond. Listen out for T45FM, CQ0ODX/P, TM2LW, GB9UL and OV1LH, among many others—a full list can be found at Giorgio, YI/IU5HWS is with the military in Iraq and will be operating on 40, 20 and 10 metres until the end […]

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Contest News – 23 August 2020

| August 21, 2020

There are no RSGB HF contests this month, as August is the month of the traditional summer holiday. Please remember to check before the contest for new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. The RSGB strongly advises obeying your own national and local government’s advice first and foremost, […]

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Propagation News – 23 August 2020

| August 21, 2020

Sunspot region 2772 was rotating off the Sun’s limb at the end of the week. As a result, the solar flux index declined from 74 down to 71 as the Sun’s surface cleared. There was some activity though. A solar storm cloud was hurled into space on 16 August by a slow-motion solar flare in […]

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