Archive for 2020

RadCom September 2020, Vol. 96, No. 9

| August 24, 2020
RadCom September 2020, Vol. 96, No. 9

Microwave activities and EME—more people experiment on the higher amateur bands To read this edition, tap or click cover image News and Reports Around Your Region – Club events calendar 88 Around Your Region – Events roundup 90 New products 14 News 12 RSGB Matters 6 Special Interest Groups News 16 Regulars Advertisers’ index 93 […]

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i News

| August 23, 2020
i News

William, M7WHB is ten years old and passed his Foundation Exam recently via remote invigilation. We introduced him to Rhiannon Williams, the Technology Correspondent of the i who interviewed him about his interest in amateur radio. Read his interview and enjoy the photos of amateur radio past and present.      

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Nominate a new DXer for G5RP Trophy

| August 21, 2020

The G5RP Trophy is an annual award to encourage newcomers to HF DXing. The award is not limited to youngsters or the newly licensed; it is open to anyone who has recently discovered and made significant progress in HF DXing. If you are an established HF DXer and want to recommend someone to be awarded […]

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Online RSGB Convention – latest news

| August 21, 2020

During the online RSGB 2020 Convention, you will be able to enjoy some excellent lectures. On Saturday, 10 October 2020, the RSGB will be putting two streams online for everyone to enjoy. In An introduction to… we will have Kevin, G0PEK, and Lauren, 2E0HLR, talk about youngsters using amateur radio and combining it with other […]

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Vacancies on important RSGB committees

| August 21, 2020

The RSGB is looking for two people to fill the important volunteer roles of Legacy Committee Chair and Nominations Committee Chair. Full details of the roles and the committees can be found at

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GB2RS News Script for 23 August 2020

| August 21, 2020

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 23 August 2020 (13-page/238KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.

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