Archive for 2020

News for Scotland – 6 September 2020

| September 4, 2020

We start with a vacancy for a 2m newsreader in the Perth area. Work commitments mean regular newsreader Paul, GM6MEN, will be unable to continue for the time being—until at least May 2021. One, or preferably two, volunteers are needed to take over. Volunteers must have a 2m FM station with good coverage of Perth […]

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News for England South-East – 6 September 2020

| September 4, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required. South Essex Amateur Radio Society has a daily net at 4pm on 145.225MHz FM. Details from […]

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News for England South-West – 6 September 2020

| September 4, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required. Thornbury and South Gloucestershire ARC has a daily net on GB3ZB from 10.30am. Wednesday sees a […]

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News for Wales – 6 September 2020

| September 4, 2020

Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has an 80m SSB net from 2.30pm on Sundays. On Wednesday there’s an FM or Fusion net on GB3CM from 7.30pm. Thursday sees a net via GB3FG from 8pm. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880. Cleddau Amateur Radio Society has a barbecue on Monday. Details from Heinz, MW0ECY, on 0774 […]

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Online exams and training – updated web pages

| September 3, 2020

We’ve updated some of our web pages to reflect online remote invigilation exams and online training processes whilst physical meetings are still restricted. The Student Information section on the Society’s website has full Candidate Instructions for the remote invigilation exams, information about how to book your exams as well as a new page listing the […]

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Could you join the RSGB Board?

| August 28, 2020

Following recent changes to the RSGB Board of Directors, and the continuing effects of the ongoing pandemic, the RSGB is looking for Members to be considered for possible appointment to the Board. For more details about the Board, the essential personal attributes needed to be a Board Director, and how to apply, go to

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