Archive for 2020

News for Wales – 1 November 2020

| October 30, 2020

Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place. On Monday, Cleddau Amateur Radio Society has a Zoom meeting. Details from Heinz, MW0ECY, on 0774 804 7008. Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has an 80m SSB net from 2.30pm on Sundays. On […]

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New Legacy Committee Chair appointed

| October 29, 2020

The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Emily Groves, M7MLE as the new Chair of the RSGB Legacy Committee. Emily will be working alongside the Committee to promote the availability of the RSGB legacy funds and to advise the Board regarding applications from projects seeking legacy funding. Emily is the co-founder and Director […]

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2 November 2020 – An Introduction to GNU Radio by Heather Lomond, M0HMO

| October 29, 2020

Heather’s presentation A beginners’ introduction to using GNU radio to create simple amateur radio projects. Starting from the beginning Heather will introduce the GNURadio programming environment, develop a little of the theory needed to understand SDRs and then go on to use some simple GNURadio blocks to build a receiver based on one of the […]

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RSGB seeks records of complaints about on-air behaviour

| October 26, 2020

The RSGB receives complaints from time to time regarding incidences of deliberate jamming and foul or inappropriate language on the air. The Operating Advisory Service provides advice on the RSGB website about how to deal with these problems. The Society has been trying to quantify the size of the problem and recently made a Freedom […]

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RSGB Radio Communication Handbook

| October 26, 2020
RSGB Radio Communication Handbook

14th Edition Edited by Mike Browne, G3DIH This new edition of the RSGB Radio Communication Handbook has as always been updated and re-written so that it remains one of the best guides in the world to amateur radio technology and practice. In 26 chapters, two appendices, 600,000 words on 832 A4 pages it covers the […]

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RadCom November 2020, Vol. 96, No. 11

| October 26, 2020
RadCom November 2020, Vol. 96, No. 11

CQ Senhaix! Dual band handhelds from a relatively new name To read this edition, tap or click cover image News and Reports News and Reports Around Your Region – Club events calendar 85 Around Your Region – Events roundup 89 New products 14 News 12 RSGB Matters 6 Special Interest Groups News 16 Regulars Advertisers’ […]

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