Archive for 2020

Tonight @ 8 streamed live

| November 2, 2020

Heather Lomond’s beginners’ introduction to using GNU Radio was streamed live on Tonight @ 8 between 20.00 and 21.10 on Monday, 2 November 2020. If you missed Heather’s talk, or would like to hear it again, go to the RSGB YouTube channel or

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Updated response to Ofcom consultation

| November 2, 2020

The RSGB has updated the main article on the special EMF web page to inform members of work that is underway to prepare a response to Ofcom’s second consultation.The second consultation closes on November 16 and we hope to post our draft response next week. We would encourage members to make their own responses. In […]

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PS Minutes 17th October 2020

| November 1, 2020

PSC Minutes 17 October 2020 FINAL

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GNU Radio on Tonight @ 8

| October 30, 2020

The next Tonight @ 8 is this Monday—2 November 2020. Heather Lomond, M0HMO will give a beginners’ introduction to using GNU Radio to create simple amateur radio projects. Starting from the beginning, Heather will introduce the GNU Radio programming environment, develop a little of the theory needed to understand SDRs, and then go on to […]

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Introduction to presentations go online

| October 30, 2020

The individual presentations from the Introduction to… stream at the RSGB 2020 Convention Online that took place on 10 October 2020 are now available to watch. You can catch up on ones you missed, or take the opportunity to see again the ones you enjoyed most. Find them at

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Yahoo Groups closes soon

| October 30, 2020

Just a reminder for listeners who use, or who have subscribed to, a Yahoo group. On the 15 December 2020, Yahoo Groups, and its list service, will shut down. Many amateurs are still using Yahoo groups and not If you want more information, see this post on the Yahoo help website.

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