Archive for 2020

News for Northern Ireland – 29 March 2020

| March 27, 2020

As the Government advice is to refrain from social gatherings, we have only included the details of regular nets as well as those newly created in place of club meetings West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club says meetings will resume when it is safe. Social isolation does not mean you have to be lonely: we are […]

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News for Scotland – 29 March 2020

| March 27, 2020

As the Government advice is to refrain from social gatherings, we have only included the details of regular nets as well as those newly created in place of club meetings Kilmarnock and Loudoun ARC have a daily get-together every morning for all Ayrshire amateurs on 145.450MHz and that channel is monitored all day. One of […]

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News for England South-East – 29 March 2020

| March 27, 2020

As the Government advice is to refrain from social gatherings, we have only included the details of regular nets as well as those newly created in place of club meetings Radio Society of Harrow has its net on Sundays from 2pm on 145.350MHz FM. Details from Linda, G7RJL via email to Burnham Beeches Radio […]

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News for England South-West – 29 March 2020

| March 27, 2020

As the Government advice is to refrain from social gatherings, we have only included the details of regular nets as well as those newly created in place of club meetings North Bristol Amateur Radio Club members will be monitoring the local repeaters from around 6.30pm every night. There will be nets on GB3AC on Sundays […]

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News for Wales – 29 March 2020

| March 27, 2020

As the Government advice is to refrain from social gatherings, we have only included the details of regular nets as well as those newly created in place of club meetings Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has its 80m SSB net every Sunday from 2.30pm. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880.

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5/6GHz Wi-Fi & Millimetre Waves

| March 25, 2020

Ofcom consultations in January-March 2020 covered two topics. Below are links for the Ofcom information and our responses:- Improving spectrum access for Wi-Fi in the 5 and 6 GHz bands Ofcom: Consultation webpage RSGB: ResponseĀ    Supporting innovation in the 100-200 GHz range Ofcom: Consultation webpage RSGB: Response  

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