Archive for November, 2020

News for England South-West – 22 November 2020

| November 20, 2020

Events listed here may be affected by current COVID-19 pandemic regulations, please observe all restrictions that are in place Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club has a daily net on GB3ZB from 10.30am. Wednesday sees a Zoom meeting from 8pm, and Friday sees a net from 8pm around 145.450MHz. For details, email Torbay […]

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News for Wales – 22 November 2020

| November 20, 2020

Events listed here may be affected by current COVID-19 pandemic regulations, please observe all restrictions that are in place Cleddau Amateur Radio Society has mobile ops listed for this Sunday. Details from Heinz, MW0ECY, on 0774 804 7008. Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has an 80m SSB net from 2.30pm on Sundays. On Wednesday, there’s an […]

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Tony Lorton, G4EKL, 5th November 2020

| November 20, 2020
Tony Lorton, G4EKL, 5th November 2020

I would like to report to his many friends around the world the sad death of Tony Lorton, G4EKL. Tony started as a lad with a cat’s whisker and never looked back! He sadly passed away on 5th November 2020 after a struggle with failing health, in particular over the last 18 months. Born in […]

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BBC Radio Humberside

| November 19, 2020
BBC Radio Humberside

Martin Ambrose, 2E0IMA was interviewed by Andy Comfort of BBC Radio Humberside today. Martin chatted about why he chose to learn more about amateur radio, how he took both Foundation and Intermediate exams via remote invigilation recently and explained how others can get involved too. Listen from 00:38:48 on iPlayer Thanks to Chairman of Grimsby […]

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2020 Spectrum Forum Reports

| November 17, 2020

The reports, presentations and minutes from the 2020 RSGB Spectrum Forum annual meeting are now available on our website. The material provides a wide-ranging overview of topics across EMC, HF, VHF and microwaves, from both the Society and nationally affiliated Special Interest Groups. Presentations include updates on Ofcom’s EMF proposals, IARU 2021 Bandplans, VHF Innovation […]

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Spectrum Forum Meeting – 2020

| November 17, 2020
Spectrum Forum Meeting – 2020

RSGB Spectrum Forum meeting reports, minutes and presentations from the online annual meeting held on 7-Nov-2020 are available below:- Spectrum Forum Nov-2020 Agenda Spectrum Forum Nov-2020 Minutes   4.1 – HF Managers Report-2020 4.2 – VHF Managers Report-2020,  71 & 146MHz Update 4.3 – Microwave Managers Report-2020 4.4 – Intruder Watch Report-2020 4.5 – EMCC […]

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