Archive for August, 2020
Syllabus 2019 review completed
The Examinations Standards Committee (ESC) and the Examination and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) have completed a review of Syllabus 2019 following feedback from the tutor community. This new release, V1.4 contains no new examinable items. The most significant changes have been re-grouping certain syllabus topics together, as well as some minor text amendments to make the […]
Mike, G4SMB – ‘Go box’

We shared this lockdown project from Mike, G4SMB on our Photo Friday feature on social media but wanted to share it here too. He sent us photos and a description in early July but unfortunately at that time he hadn’t been able to try it out due to the lockdown! He customised the box with […]
Matt, M5MAT

Matt, M5MAT sent us this photo of when he was enjoying being out portable again after lockdown for the FMAC and UKAC series.
Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society

For the last four weeks the club has been running its weekly 2m FM club net as G3SAD/P from a local park car park. Members meet with due regard for social distance and are really enjoying seeing each other again. You can listen out for us on the air every Tuesday at 19:30 on 145.450 Our […]