Archive for June, 2020

Also in GB2RS this week…

| June 19, 2020

Following the election of Len Paget, GM0ONX as a Board Director at the recent AGM, the RSGB Board has asked the General Manager, Steve Thomas, M1ACB to take on the additional role of Company Secretary. The Board would like to record its thanks to Len for the time he has given as Company Secretary over […]

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Special Events News – 21 June 2020

| June 19, 2020

Since the change of regulations applying to special event stations in the UK, many activations are now able to go ahead. UK amateurs would like to thank Ofcom for their help in making this happen. The 28 June is the centenary of the Royal Corps of Signals. The Royal Signals Museum has a permanent special […]

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Contest News – 21 June 2020

| June 19, 2020

Please remember to check before the events for new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. RSGB strongly advises obeying your own government’s advice first and foremost. The 50MHz Trophy contest ends its 24 hour run at 1400UTC this Sunday, the 21st. Using all modes, the exchange is signal […]

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Propagation News – 21 June 2020

| June 19, 2020

We had another week dominated by sporadic E HF contacts. Ten metres has been open daily to Europe and often until very late at night. There have been reports of USA and Japanese FT8 contacts from the UK during the day, continuing almost to midnight. By Thursday signal levels appeared to be dropping off at […]

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News for England Midlands – 21 June 2020

| June 19, 2020

We start with news that members of Worksop Amateur Radio Society will be operating G3RCW/P as a club training exercise. Martin, M0ZMF will be in Clarbrough, IO93NI; Donna, M7DON from Highoredish IO93GD; and Mark, 2E0FKB will be on the air from Carr Hill, IO93JJ. Activity will be on 2m FM, starting around 10.30am. Preference will […]

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News for England North – 21 June 2020

| June 19, 2020

News for the Isle of Man first. On the island, lockdown and the need for social distancing have been lifted. The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society has announced that shack nights will commence from Wednesday, 24 July at 7pm in Ballasalla. All are welcome to catch up on everything that has been going on. […]

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