Archive for May, 2020
ITV Wales “Wonders of the Coast Path”
The ITV Wales programme “Wonders of the Coast Path” with Sean Fletcher on Monday 1 June at 8:30pm features Barry Amateur Radio Society re-enacting Marconi making his first CW transmission across the Bristol Channel. The programme was filmed before lockdown began. It will be broadcast nationally later in year but you can watch it […]
BBC Radio Wiltshire
Andy Henley from Chippenham and District Amateur Radio Club chatted to Graham Seaman on the BBC Radio Wiltshire afternoon show on 23 May. Andy talks about how radio amateurs are using the hobby to combat loneliness, talk to people across the world and how the club has seen an increase in people getting on the […]
GB2RS News Script for 31 May 2020
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 31 May 2020 (11-page/181KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.
Remote invigilation exams – now taking bookings
Following our announcement last week about the introduction of a new booking system for remote invigilation Foundation exams, we are pleased to confirm that bookings have now resumed. Exam bookings can only be made via an online booking form available at The next available examination sessions are from 8.00 am on Wednesday, 1 July […]
Respond now to Ofcom EMF consultation
There’s not much time left to respond to the Ofcom EMF consultation, which is required by 12 June 2020. The RSGB recommends you acknowledge the need for ICNIRP guidelines but to state that the proposals from Ofcom are not proportionate for amateur licensees. More details on the consultation and the guide to help you with […]
GB2RS newsreaders shine in crisis
The RSGB would like to thank all those who read the news, in whatever medium, for their dedication to the radio amateur community. Their service is even more appreciated during these extraordinary times. All on-air GB2RS newsreaders should check the validity date on their NoV and reapply for a renewal at if necessary.