Archive for April, 2020

South Bristol Amateur Radio Club

| April 18, 2020

This club in Region 11 is supporting our campaign – take a look at their website.

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Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society (HARS)

| April 18, 2020

We’re delighted that Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society (HARS) has shared our campaign on its club website.

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Southgate Amateur Radio News supports #GOTA2C

| April 18, 2020

See Southgate’s report of our new campaign.

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Practical Wireless and Radio User

| April 18, 2020

Our “Get on the air to care” campaign is shared on the Radio Enthusiast website  – the home of Practical Wireless and Radio User

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Colchester Radio Amateurs

| April 17, 2020

Colchester Radio Amateurs have doubled their nets since the start of lockdown. See their website for details if you wish to join.

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Get on the air to care – RSGB launches national campaign in partnership with the NHS

| April 17, 2020

The Radio Society of Great Britain, working in partnership with the NHS, has launched a new campaign called “Get on the air to care” to support the emotional health and wellbeing of 75,000 licensed UK radio amateurs – just some of the 3,000,000 worldwide. Paul Devlin, NHS England Emergency Care Improvement Support Team and RSGB […]

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