Archive for March, 2020

Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 6, 2020

Yves F5PRU/6W1TA in Senegal has been informed by the Senegalese Telecom Regulatory Authority that the new WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz is now allowed in the country. The IARU Region 1 band plan should be used with a maximum power limit available of 15W EIRP. Yves has been living in Senegal for 18 […]

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GB2RS News Script for 8 March 2020

| March 6, 2020

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 8 March 2020 (12-page/175KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link.

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Rallies and Events News – 8 March 2020

| March 6, 2020

The Pencoed ARC table-top sale scheduled to take place on 8 March has been cancelled. Due to concerns raised over the Covid-19 virus, the committee of Wythall Radio Club have decided to cancel this year’s Wythall Hamfest, originally planned for next Sunday, 15 March. They would like to thank the traders for their support for […]

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DX News – 8 March 2020

| March 6, 2020

David, F8AAN will be active holiday-style as 3B9AN from Rodrigues Island, IOTA reference AF-017, between 10 and 19 March. He will operate CW on the 80 to 17m bands. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, or direct to his home call. Richard, G3RWL will be active as 8P6DR from Barbados, NA-021, from 8 March to 9 […]

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Special Events News – 8 March 2020

| March 6, 2020

On the weekend of 14 and 15 March, the Shepparton and District ARC will connect amateur transceivers to the curtain array and rhombic antennas at the Broadcast Australia site in Shepparton, which is located in North Central Victoria, Australia. This site was previously a short wave Radio Australia location. VI3RA will be on the air […]

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Contest News – 8 March 2020

| March 6, 2020

The ARRL International DX contest ends its 48 hour run at 2359UTC this Sunday, the 8th. Using the 1.8 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is signal report and transmitter power. US stations also send their state and Canadians their province. The 144/432MHz contest ends its 24 hour run at 1400UTC this Sunday, the 8th. Using […]

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