Archive for 2019

DX News – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

Saty, JE1JKL will be active as 9M6NA from Labuan Island, East Malaysia, IOTA reference OC-133 between 11 and 16 July. He will concentrate on the 6m band using FT8. QSL via Logbook of The World and Club Log’s OQRS. Janusz, SP9FIH returns to Bethlehem in Palestine from the 6 July to 3 August. He will […]

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Special Events News – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

GB1CMS will be operating this Sunday, 7 July, at a display of military vehicles and battle re-enactments located seven miles south of Dorking in Capel, Surrey. A listening watch will be maintained on 51.60MHz and a full list of frequencies can be found via Grey Point Fort ARS will be open for visitors during […]

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Contest News – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

The RSGB VHF National Field Day ends its 24 hour run at 1400UTC today, the 7th. Using all modes on the 50 to 1.3GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. This Sunday, the 7th, the 3rd 2m Backpackers Contest runs from 1100 to 1500UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal […]

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Propagation News – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

Good news—this week saw two sunspots appear from the upcoming solar cycle 25. We know this due to their magnetic polarity and locations close to the solar equator. Unfortunately, the sunspots didn’t last very long before vanishing. But it is a start. Earlier this year, an international panel of experts predicted that solar minimum would […]

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News for England Midlands – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

We start with news from clubs with more than one event this week. Burton Amateur Radio Club has an open net from 10am on 145.575MHz this Sunday and next Sunday. On Wednesday there’s an open club night. Thursday sees an open net on 145.575MHz from 8pm. Details from Rob, G6EIH, on 0781 214 6333. Cheltenham […]

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News for England North – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has nets this Sunday and next Sunday on 1.940MHz LSB from 11am. Contact Peter, G3UCA, via email to Durham and District Amateur Radio Society is operating GB13COL until Monday. Wednesday sees a club night. More information from Michael, G7TWX, […]

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