Archive for 2019

News for Wales – 22 September 2019

| September 20, 2019

Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society has its net on Thursday, starting on 145.500MHz then moving to 145.550MHz. Contact Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is having a natter night. Contact Liz Cabban, GW0ETU, on 0776 019 0355.

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ARISS contact with Devon school in October

| September 19, 2019

The next Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact is scheduled for the week of 7 October 2019 with Bampton School in Devon. They’ll be operating as GB4BPS and contacting NA1SS on the station. More details to follow soon.

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The Last Word, October 2019

| September 17, 2019
The Last Word, October 2019

These letters were received for publication in the October 2019 RadCom but pressure of space meant they could not be included in the printed edition. INTERFERENCE Roger Kendall, G8BNE We are told that the cost of taking action against the cause of some local HF interference which is rendering the 40m and 80m bands almost unusable […]

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Larry E. Price, W4RA, SK

| September 13, 2019

It with great sadness that IARU reports that ARRL and IARU President Emeritus Larry E. Price, W4RA, died on the 10 September 2019. He was 85. The IARU owes a debt of gratitude to Larry for his tireless work over the decades to represent the interests of amateur radio in regulatory forums. Larry was first […]

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Bulgarians get digital segment on 6m

| September 13, 2019

Bulgarian radio amateurs have obtained temporary access to the digital portion of the 50MHz band, 50.310 to 50.335MHz. Previously their allocation was restricted to just 50.05 to 50.2MHz, which excluded digital usage such as FT8. A key objective to WRC-19 is to extend 50MHz access to all countries across Region 1.

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RSGB NRC aerial improvements

| September 13, 2019

The RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park has successfully completed the realignment of the SteppIR beam this week. The Yaesu rotator is now back in action and the SteppIR beam can be rotated. The D-Star repeater GB7BP is also now back online and operational. Don’t forget RSGB Members can download a free entry voucher […]

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