Archive for 2019

Contest News – 13 October 2019

| October 11, 2019

The Oceania DX CW contest ends its 24 hour run at 0800UTC this Sunday, the 13th. Using the 1.8 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number. This Sunday, the 13th, the IRTS 40m Counties Contest runs from 1200 to 1400UTC using CW and SSB, the exchange is signal report and […]

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Propagation News – 13 October 2019

| October 11, 2019

We had a mixed bag of HF propagation over the last seven days, although Monday saw maximum usable frequencies over a 3,000km path climb above 21MHz. Conditions were less good on Thursday morning, mainly due to an elevated Kp index, which reached four thanks to an enhanced solar wind with a south-facing Bz component. There […]

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News for England Midlands – 13 October 2019

| October 11, 2019

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Wythall Radio Club has its net this Sunday and next Sunday from 8pm on 145.225MHz or GB3WL. On Tuesday there’s a Morse class, club and workshop night. More information from Chris Skelcher, G3YHF, on 0795 839 5904. Coventry Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday […]

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News for England North – 13 October 2019

| October 11, 2019

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Bury Radio Club has its net from 6pm this Sunday and next Sunday on 144.550MHz. Tuesday sees a bring-and-buy evening. For details, see Oldham Radio Club has a net this Sunday morning and next Sunday on XLX305 OARC, module A. On Wednesday […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 13 October 2019

| October 11, 2019

On Saturday Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group is running the Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Club Rally at Downshire Secondary School, Downshire Road, Carrickfergus. Doors open at 12 noon. All proceeds from the sale of the food and beverages will go to Belfast Samaritans. For more details, contact Liz Forde, MI6GHA, on 0785 544 2839, or email

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News for Scotland – 13 October 2019

| October 11, 2019

Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Monday. Next Sunday sees a trip to the Galashiels Rally. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192. Dundee Amateur Radio Club is closed on Monday, then Friday, Saturday and Sunday sees the JOTA station on the air. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933. On […]

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