Archive for 2019

News for Northern Ireland – 17 November 2019

| November 15, 2019

Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club holds its monthly meeting this Sunday, the 17th, from 3pm. The club continues to meet weekly throughout the winter on Tuesday evenings from about 5pm. Various winter activities continue including antenna construction, HF and VHF operation, etc. The club meets at Turkingtons, James Park, Mahon Road, Portadown BT62 3EH. Talk-in is […]

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News for Scotland – 17 November 2019

| November 15, 2019

Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Monday. Next Saturday there’s a club meeting and social evening. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192. On Tuesday Dundee Amateur Radio Club is having a club night and training session. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933. On Tuesday Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio […]

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News for England South-East – 17 November 2019

| November 15, 2019

We start with clubs that have more than one event this week. Burnham Beeches Radio Club has its net this Sunday and next Sunday from 10.30am on 145.500MHz. Monday sees an exam session, plus repairing and testing equipment. Contact Greg, G4EBY, via email to Radio Society of Harrow has its shack open from 10am […]

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News for England South-West – 17 November 2019

| November 15, 2019

North Bristol Amateur Radio Club has its net this Sunday and next Sunday from 8pm via GB3AC. Wednesday sees an open net from 8pm via GB3BS. On Friday there’s a bring-and-buy sale, then on Saturday there’s a DMR net from 7pm via the SW cluster TG950 slot 2. Details from Mat, G7FBD, via email to […]

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News for Wales – 17 November 2019

| November 15, 2019

On Tuesday Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is having its club meal. Details from Eifion Parry, via email to On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is having a video and multimedia evening. Contact Liz Cabban, GW0ETU, on 0776 019 0355.

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RSGB Shop now back at usual URL

| November 14, 2019

We are pleased to announce that following the technical issues we experienced last week and earlier this week, that the RSGB Shop has now returned to the domain. All your bookmarked URLs and links from the search engines will now work as usual. If you have changed any bookmarks or hyperlinks to the backup […]

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