Archive for 2019

News for England South-West – 1 December 2019

| November 29, 2019

North Bristol Amateur Radio Club has its net this Sunday and next Sunday from 8pm via GB3AC. Wednesday sees an open net from 8pm via GB3AC. On Friday there’s a general meeting and committee meeting, then on Saturday there’s an open net from 8pm via GB3BS. Details from Mat, G7FBD, via email to Cornish […]

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News for Wales – 1 December 2019

| November 29, 2019

Newport Amateur Radio Society has a net this Sunday and next Sunday on 3.705MHz from 10am. Tuesday sees a net on 144.700MHz from 8pm and on Thursday it’s shack clean-up time. Details from Ross, GW3NWS, on 01633 880 146. On Monday Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on Saunders Roe by David Mills […]

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Membership Services now back online

| November 29, 2019

The Membership Services portal is now back online at All Membership Services are now available except for the ability to update your account details, which will be restored next week once testing has been completed. Once again, please accept our sincere apologies for the technical issues with Membership Services this week.

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Radio room at NRC closed on Friday 29 Nov

| November 26, 2019

Due to essential maintenance work, the radio room at the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park will be closed for a few hours on Friday 29 November. The NRC itself will remain open to visitors, but with the radio room temporarily closed, visiting radio amateurs will not be able to operate the station GB3RS. […]

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Need a Bletchley Park voucher?

| November 25, 2019

The temporarily email voucher delivery service has now closed, as the Bletchley Park visitors’ voucher is now available again from online Membership Services To obtain your voucher, login at RSGB Membership Services as normal, and go to the Visit Bletchley Park section.

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Big news for 6m band

| November 22, 2019

The World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) has concluded in Egypt. The 3,300 delegates considered many aspects of radio including several that will affect our hobby. Perhaps the biggest news is that the conference has approved an allocation in the 50MHz band for amateurs in Region 1. The Amateur Service now has a baseline Secondary allocation […]

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