Archive for 2019

News for Wales – 9 June 2019

| June 7, 2019

On Tuesday Barry Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on DIY wire antennas by Glyn, GW0ANA. Contact Glyn, GW0ANA, via email to On Thursday Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society is visiting the Museum of Internal Fire and operating from their radio station. Contact Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853.

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André Saunders, GM3VLB, 23rd May 2019

| June 3, 2019
André Saunders, GM3VLB, 23rd May 2019

André Saunders, GM3VLB, born of Scottish and French parents, became a silent key at his home in Kelso on the 23rd of May 2019. He would have been 81 on the 28th of May. A physics teacher by profession, he was an active DXer in Kenya from 1967 as 5Z4KL, gaining the ARRL Honor Roll […]

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International Amateur Radio Union

| June 1, 2019

RSGB volunteers contribute to the development of international amateur radio within Region 1 of the International Amateur Radio Union. Some volunteers also work directly with the IARU. This vital work goes on largely unseen but is essential in ensuring the amateur radio voice is heard, especially in Regional telecommunication organisations, the International Telecommunications Union and […]

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RadCom Basics out now

| May 31, 2019

A new edition of RadCom Basics is now available. RSGB Members can read it by going to You can also register to receive notification of subsequent issues. Each edition of RadCom Basics explores key aspects of amateur radio in a straightforward and accessible way. RadCom Basics is sent as an email alert to subscribers […]

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GB100GP to mark Gilwell Park centenary

| May 31, 2019

Gilwell Park is recognised by many people involved in Scouts as the movement’s spiritual home. It is also home to Scouting’s UK administrative headquarters. Gilwell Park also hosts an amateur radio station, GB2GP, which has been getting Scouts on the air for over 50 years. The year 2019 is the centenary of the site being […]

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Cricket World Cup Marathon latest

| May 31, 2019

The ICC Cricket World Cup has started and so has the RSGB’s Cricket World Cup Marathon. UK and international call signs will be active on nine HF bands on SSB, CW, and digital modes. Award certificates will be offered based on the number of contacts made with the special UK and international stations. A total […]

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