Archive for August, 2019
G5RP Trophy Nomination
The G5RP Trophy is an annual award to encourage newcomers to HF DXing. If you are an established HF DXer and want to recommend someone to be awarded the G5RP Trophy for 2019, now is the time to send in your nomination. Your nominee should be an up-and-coming HF DXer who has made rapid progress […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
In Australia, Roland, VK4FB and Stefan, VK4CSD completed what is being claimed as the world’s first FT8 contact on 122GHz. The distance spanned during the 11th of August contact was 92.08km. The received signals were –17dB on one end and –20dB on the other. The RSGB Convention takes place in Milton Keynes from the 11th […]
Rallies and Events – 18 August 2019
Today, the 18th of August, the Rugby ARS Rally will take place at Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Rugby CV23 9PY. Admission is £3 and the NGR for sat navs is SP395710. Doors open from 10am to 4pm, with traders having access from 8.30am. There is a car boot area. Catering is available on site. Details from […]
DX News – 18 August 2019
Thor, DK7RD, Paul, G4PVM and Col, MM0NDX will be active as MS0INT from the Shiant Isles, IOTA reference EU-112, between the 23rd and the 25th of August. Plans are to operate CW, SSB and FT8 on the HF bands. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, or via M0SDV. Michael, DL2GMI will visit Bernhard, H44MS / DL2GAC […]
Special Events News – 18 August 2019
Two local clubs are taking part in the bicentennial commemoration Peterloo Massacre incident in Manchester, which happened on the 16th of August 1819. South Manchester Radio Club is running GB200PLM for the next three weeks, for which you can find information via Oldham ARC is organising a special event, GB2PL, to take place during […]
Contest News – 18 August 2019
Just a reminder that August is the month of the traditional summer holiday, so there are no RSGB HF contests this month. On Tuesday the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Next Sunday, the 25th, the UK Microwave Group High […]