Archive for July, 2019

YOTA Bulgaria Day 5

| July 14, 2019
YOTA Bulgaria Day 5

What did you get up to on Day 5? To begin we had a quick fire Train the Trainer lecture. Every country gave a snapshot of their radio amateur youth. Later we had introductions to ARDF and high speed telegraphy. We were amazed by the immense speeds of Morse possible. After this, we took part […]

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YOTA Bulgaria Day 6

| July 14, 2019
YOTA Bulgaria Day 6

What did you get up to on Day 6? In the morning we split into groups then built and tuned VHF end-fed dipoles for use with HTs. After lunch we built 20m HF dipoles with simple choke baluns and then operated the station LZ19YOTA. This was interesting as many of us had never built an […]

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RSGB President writes to Ofcom about 144 MHz

| July 12, 2019

After due consideration, and as reported in GB2RS news on Friday, 5 July 2019, RSGB President Dave Wilson, M0OBW wrote to Ofcom strongly expressing the RSGB’s concerns about the proposed WRC-23 aeronautical Agenda Item that includes 144-146 MHz. The President’s letter started by stating that the RSGB “shares the concerns of the global amateur community […]

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New Science Museum exhibition

| July 12, 2019

Discover the remarkable world of codebreaking, ciphers and secret communications in a new exhibition at the Science Museum in London. From the trenches of the First World War to the latest in cyber security, Top Secret explores over a century’s worth of communications intelligence through hand-written documents, declassified files and previously unseen artefacts from the […]

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RSGB 2019 Convention lectures

| July 12, 2019

The RSGB 2019 Convention takes place in Milton Keynes from 11 to 13 October 2019. Two of the interesting lectures over the weekend will be Don Field, G3XTT talking about Guest Operating—being part of a multi-operator contest or DXpedition effort can be fun, it’s a great learning experience and he has been involved in many […]

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GB2RS News Script for 14 July 2019

| July 12, 2019

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 14 July 2019 (12-page/166KB Microsoft Word document)

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