Archive for July, 2019

News for England South-West – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

On Sunday South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is operating G4WAW/P today for VHF National Field Day. On Thursday there’s a committee meeting. Contact Andy Jenner, G7KNA, on 0783 869 5471. Torbay Amateur Radio Society has regular nets today, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and next Sunday. Friday also sees a club night with business meeting. […]

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News for Wales – 7 July 2019

| July 5, 2019

Newport Amateur Radio Society has a net on 3.704MHz from 10am this Sunday and next Sunday. On Tuesday evening there’s a club net on 144.700MHz. Thursday sees a talk The Oscilloscope in the Shack by GW3NWS. Details from Ross, GW3NWS, 01633 880 146. On Tuesday Barry Amateur Radio Society has a talk Simple Backyard Antennas […]

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WRC-19 Update & WRC 23 Proposals

| July 1, 2019

RSGB continues to participate in the WRC-19 process, including proposals for WRC 23 Agenda items. In July 2019 the President wrote to Ofcom regarding 144-146 MHz being included in a WRC-23 aeronautical proposal  – along with other amateur radio interests re 50 MHz, WPT and 23cm/Galileo. Slides which give a broader overview of the WRC […]

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144 MHz and the WRC process

| July 1, 2019

RSGB has been a key part of a joint International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) effort and are working hard on both national and international levels to ensure a positive outcome for World Radio Conference-19 (WRC-19) items (50 MHz, Wireless Power, microwave bands etc) and WRC-23 Agenda proposals (144-146 MHz and 23cms). With regard to 144-146 […]

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