Archive for July, 2019

News for England Midlands – 14 July 2019

| July 12, 2019

This Sunday and next, Burton Amateur Radio Club has a net on 145.575MHz at 10am. On Wednesday there is a club night and non-members are welcome. The net is at 8pm on 145.575MHz on Thursday. On Saturday it’s the legendary summer barbecue from noon till late. Details from Rob, G6EIH, on 0781 214 6333. This […]

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News for England North – 14 July 2019

| July 12, 2019

This Sunday and next, Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has a Top Band net on 1.940MHz LSB at 11am. Contact Peter, G3UCA, via email to This Sunday and next, Oldham Radio Club has a multi mode digital net from 9.30am. On Monday there is a D-Star simplex net from 7.30pm on 144.6125MHz. The net […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 14 July 2019

| July 12, 2019

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for England South-East – 14 July 2019

| July 12, 2019

Keith Gaunt, G7CIY the Regional Representative for Region 12 is looking for volunteers to fill several District Representative vacancies. Ideally the volunteers should be based in the area, and Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex South are all in need of representation. If you are interested in the role or would simply like to know more, contact […]

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News for England South-West – 14 July 2019

| July 12, 2019

On Sunday Cornish Radio Amateur Club is attending the Radio Rally at Penair School, Truro. On Thursday there is a social evening. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844 939. This Sunday and next, Torbay Amateur Radio Society has nets on 14.270MHz at 9.30am, 3.663MHz at 10.30am. On Tuesday the net is on 3.663MHz at […]

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News for Wales – 14 July 2019

| July 12, 2019

This Sunday and next, Newport Amateur Radio Society has a net on 3.704MHz at 10am. Tuesday sees an evening net on 144.700MHz. There’s a discussion of NFD and other events on Thursday. Further information from Ross, GW3NWS, on 01633 880 146. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society has a practical project evening correct soldering practices. […]

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