Archive for March, 2019

Special Events News – 24 March 2019

| March 22, 2019

From the 25 March to 1 April David, G4YVM will be running GB5EEE, Europe Europe Europe. Operating from Salisbury, he will be mostly CW. This is one of several special event stations planned to be on the air around the 29 March to mark the intended date of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, from […]

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Contest News – 24 March 2019

| March 22, 2019

The UK EI Contest Club DX CW contest ends its 24 hour run at 1200UTC this Sunday, the 24th. Using CW only on the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and district code. On Tuesday the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2000UTC, using FM only. It […]

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Propagation News – 24 March 2019

| March 22, 2019

The Sun burst into life this week, with two new sunspots and solar flares aplenty. But before you get too excited the spots are from the outgoing solar cycle 24. Sunspot 2736 erupted on Wednesday with a C4-class solar flare. The Earth-directed explosion sent ionisation rippling through Earth’s upper atmosphere and caused a Dellinger fade-out […]

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News for England Midlands – 24 March 2019

| March 22, 2019

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Wythall Radio Club has its net from 8pm on GB3WL or 145.225MHz this Sunday. Tuesday sees a Morse class, free-and-easy and workshops evening. More information from Chris Skelcher, G3YHF, on 0795 839 5904. Coventry Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday from 8pm on 145.375MHz […]

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News for England North – 24 March 2019

| March 22, 2019

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has its net on 1.940MHz LSB from 11am this Sunday and next Sunday. Details from Peter, G3UCA, via email to Denby Dale Radio Club has its net via GB3HD from 10.30am this Sunday and next Sunday. On Wednesday there’s […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 24 March 2019

| March 22, 2019

The Causeway Coast Glens ARC Radio Rally takes place today, the 24th, at Bushmills Community Centre, 14 Dunluce Road, Bushmills, Co. Antrim BT57 8QG. Doors open from 11am and admittance is £3. More details from

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