Archive for January, 2019
News for Wales – 20 January 2019
On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is having a social evening. Details from Steve Williams, MW6CCG, on 0787 849 4337. On Tuesday Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has an on-air and social evening. Details from Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is having a natter night. Contact Liz Cabban, GW0ETU, […]
President’s review of 2018

I hope you had a great Christmas and let us all look forward to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019. Sitting here contemplating the last 12 months and looking forward to the next year, a few things struck me. Firstly, what a great year 2018 has been – thanks essentially to our volunteers. With only […]
Volunteers wanted for NRC
With over 55,000 visitors to the RSGB’s National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park in 2018, we are looking to recruit new volunteers to engage with the public and give radio demonstrations. If you’re interested in becoming an NRC volunteer you should be passionate about meeting people, feel confident explaining the hobby, as well as […]
IARU Region 1 project group news
At the IARU Region 1 General Conference in Landshut in 2017, it was agreed to create three project groups to address issues of the future direction and growth in amateur radio across the Region. These groups have undertaken some of the planned work, but because of other commitments of the project leaders, progress has not […]
Regional and Board nominations now open
RSGB Members are reminded that nominations are open for RSGB Board and Regional Representatives. Details are in the January RadCom and at These roles offer a good opportunity to help the RSGB develop and to promote amateur radio. Nominations close on 31 January 2019.
Latest Club Log Most-Wanted list
Club Log’s latest Most Wanted List, generated on the 28 December 2018, can be found at The information is derived from the half-billion or so QSOs uploaded to Club Log and available for analysis. To improve quality, only QSOs that have QSLs confirmed are considered to be worked. The most wanted charts are rebuilt once […]