Archive for 2018

Also in GB2RS this week…

| June 29, 2018

On Tuesday evening RSGB Membership Services will be offline from 5pm to about midnight. This is so that essential maintenance can take place. During this time all RSGB online services that require a Membership login will be unavailable. If you need a Members’ voucher to visit Bletchley Park or any other time-sensitive material, please make […]

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Rallies and Events News – 1 July 2018

| June 29, 2018

This Sunday, 1 July, sees the Barford Norfolk Radio Rally at Barford Village Hall and Green, Barford, Norwich NR9 4AB. Doors open at 9am, an hour earlier for traders, and there is talk-in on S22. Car parking is free. There will be trade stands, car boot sales, bring-and-buy, a raffle and representatives of repeater groups. […]

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DX News – 1 July 2018

| June 29, 2018

The big DX news is that the much-anticipated Baker Island DXpedition is now on the air. KH1/KH7Z is a major effort by the Dateline DX Association with multiple stations simultaneously on the air until next Sunday. Baker Island is IOTA reference OC-089. QSL via K4TSJ direct, ClubLog OQRS or LotW. VE3IKV and W4TAA/VE3MMQ will be […]

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Special Events News – 1 July 2018

| June 29, 2018

Lincoln Short Wave Club has GB2CWP on the air this Sunday from 10am for the East Kirkby Squadron Reunion. As mentioned last week, Durham and District Amateur Radio Society is operating its special event station GB13COL all week as part of the 13 Colonies event. Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is operating GB2NWA […]

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Contest News – 1 July 2018

| June 29, 2018

Today is the Canada Day Contest, sponsored by Radio Amateurs of Canada. Running from 0000UTC to 2359UTC this Sunday, 1 July, all modes can be used on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, six and two metre bands. Stations in Canada send a signal report and province or territory. VE0s and stations outside Canada […]

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Propagation News – 1 July 2018

| June 29, 2018

As predicted, the geomagnetic K-index hit five last week, although it wasn’t until early morning on the 26th. Conditions then settled as the week progressed. The US Space Weather Prediction Center has the K-index remaining low for the week commencing Sunday, 1 July, so make the most of the settled geomagnetic conditions. Due to a […]

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