Archive for 2018

Also in GB2RS this week…

| July 13, 2018

The American Radio Relay League, ARRL, is beginning a process with the Federal Communications Commission, FCC, to try and keep non amateur radio satellites from using amateur band frequencies. The ARRL is working to protect amateur radio frequencies against exploitation by commercial entities. However, there are also ongoing discussions to try and define what constitutes […]

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GB2RS News Script for 15 July 2018

| July 13, 2018

Please click the link below to download this week’s news script GB2RS News Script for 15 July 2018

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Rallies and Events News – 15 July 2018

| July 13, 2018

The 22nd Red Rose QRP Festival takes place today, the 15th, at St Joseph’s Hall, Mather Lane, Leigh, WN7 2PR. There is easy access from all major motorways plus the A580 and A579 etc. There is car parking, a Bring and Buy, refreshments, a bar and disabled access. Doors open at 11am, or 8.30am for […]

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DX News – 15 July 2018

| July 13, 2018

Renner, PY7RP will be active as PY0F/PY7RP from Fernando de Noronha Island, IOTA reference SA-003, until the 16th of July. He will operate on 160 to 6m, including taking part in the IARU HF Contest. QSL via home call direct, or OQRS. Steve, KU9C will be active as KU9C/VP9 from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA-005, until […]

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Special Events News – 15 July 2018

| July 13, 2018

Warrington Amateur Radio Club is operating GB2TAC at Hooton Park today. On Tuesday there’s a club night with a talk, technical and practical sessions. Contact Jeff, G1DYN, via email to Dundee Amateur Radio Club is having an equipment preparation session on Tuesday. From Thursday to next Sunday GB2BAJ will be on the air from […]

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Contest News – 15 July 2018

| July 13, 2018

The IARU HF Championship concludes today at 1200UTC. Using CW and SSB on all the contest bands from 1.8 to 28MHz, the exchange is signal report and ITU Zone, which is 27 for the UK. The official RSGB team is using the callsign GR2HQ, and there are several stations dotted around the country. You get […]

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