Archive for 2018

News for Wales – 22 July 2018

| July 20, 2018

On Monday Cleddau Amateur Radio Society has a barbecue. Contact Patrick Hill Heinz, MW0ECY, on 0774 804 7008. On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is having a social evening. Contact Steve Williams, MW6CCG on 0787 849 4337. On Monday the Wireless in Wales Amateur Radio Club is operating HF at the Wireless in Wales Museum, […]

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Innovation is alive and well

| July 19, 2018
Innovation is alive and well

A key goal for amateur radio at the very heart of its licence definition is that it is “for the purpose of self-training in radio communications, including conducting technical investigations”. Matching this is a key item in the RSGB’s strategy: “Research—promote active involvement in research and technical development.” In an age where the costs of […]

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Examination Standards Committee Report 2018

| July 18, 2018

Follow the link below to read this Report. Examination Standards Committee Report 2018 (9-page/602KB PDF) 24 Aug 2018: Revision correcting graph errors to match data in tables  

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New service to replace AROS

| July 13, 2018

Following an extensive review of the Amateur Radio Observation Service, AROS, the RSGB has decided to create a new service to provide guidance to operators who experience misuse of the amateur bands by others. This service will be known as the Operating Advisory Service, or OAS, and will replace AROS. The change will come into effect […]

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Ham-designed comms support cave rescue

| July 13, 2018

The dramatic rescue of twelve young footballers and their coach from a cave in Thailand was facilitated, in part, by communications technology developed by British radio amateur John Hey, G3TDZ. Ordinary radio signals don’t penetrate the solid rock surrounding caves, but very low frequency signals can do. Around the turn of the Millennium John designed […]

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International Youth at Sea begins

| July 13, 2018

A new cultural exchange-based radio activity, International Youth at Sea, has been organised by the Finnish Lighthouse Society, the Amateur Radio League of Finland, the OH-DX-Foundation and DX University. The first team will activate Market Reef Lighthouse as OJ0C, from the 21st to the 28th of July. The 2018 youth team members are Nuuti, OH1UBO; […]

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