Archive for 2018

WRTC 2018 results

| July 20, 2018

Last weekend’s World Radiosport Team Championship ended with a win for Lithuanian amateurs Gedas Lucinskas, LY9A and Mindis Jukna, LY4L, who scored nearly 5.7 million points from 5,139 QSOs. The runners-up were Germans Manfred Wolf, DJ5MW and Stefan von Baltz, DL1IAO, who scored nearly 5.3 million points from just under 5,000 QSOs. In all, the […]

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Amateur innovation thrives

| July 20, 2018

The August RadCom includes an editorial that shows how innovation is alive and well in the amateur radio community. There are now unprecedented opportunities for experimentation, with, for example software defined radio dongles available for under £10, dual band transceivers for £20, and much more. The options to dabble, hack and innovate have never been […]

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New CubeSats reach ISS

| July 20, 2018

Three new CubeSats have been taken to the International Space Station for deployment in August. The satellites, known as MAYA-1, BHUTAN-1 and UiTMSAT-1 were built in Japan by students from Malaysia, Bhutan, and the Philippines. Collectively known as the BIRDS-2 constellation, the CubeSats will transmit a CW beacon on 437.375MHz throughout their six month life. […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| July 20, 2018

Nigel Barker, M0HZR was recently appointed the new RSGB Examination Standards Manager. His interest in radio was sparked when, early on in his career, he spent two years working in an electronics workshop. Over the years he has always held technical roles, and is currently responsible for the server infrastructure of a major UK qualifications […]

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New Examination Standards Manager

| July 20, 2018

Nigel Barker, M0HZR was recently appointed the new RSGB Examination Standards Manager. His interest in radio was sparked when, early on in his career, he spent two years working in an electronics workshop. Over the years he has always held technical roles, and is currently responsible for the server infrastructure of a major UK qualifications […]

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Examination Standards Committee report

| July 20, 2018

The 2018 RSGB Examinations Standards Committee report has been released. It discusses the UK amateur radio exams system in detail, including pass statistics, ongoing work on the administrative system and comments on the question bank, among many other topics.

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