Archive for 2018

YOTA 2018: Day 1

| August 10, 2018
YOTA 2018: Day 1

We set off for South Africa just after 2200hrs, and enjoyed our pleasant 11 hour flight to Johannesburg! We started bumping into fellow attendees while queuing for customs. We were greeted by a large welcoming reception, and driven to the fantastic Kopanong hotel a few miles from the airport Software Defined Radio We started off […]

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More newcomers on 5MHz

| August 10, 2018

The Ecuadorian telecoms regulator, ARCOTEL, has authorised operation on 5MHz under the new WRC-15 Secondary Allocation 5351.5 – 5366.5kHz with a maximum power of 25W EIRP. Bosnia and Herzegovina have also been authorised by their regulator, for 5MHz operation under the new WRC-15 Secondary Allocation 5351.5 – 5366.5kHz with a maximum power of 15W EIRP.

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Convention Early Bird bookings

| August 10, 2018

The end of the Early Bird discount for bookings at the RSGB Convention is fast approaching. The deadline is 18 August 2018 and the event takes place on 12 to 14 October 2018. The provisional programme is now available—see for all the latest information. The RSGB Convention is generously sponsored by Martin Lynch & […]

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ARISS contact for German school

| August 10, 2018

An ARISS contact is planned for a school in Germany with Alexander Gerst, KF5ONO on Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at approximately 1256UTC. The exchange will be a direct contact operated by DN2DLR and be conducted in German. The downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| August 10, 2018

The Perseids meteor shower will peak between the night of Sunday, 12 August 2018 and the early morning hours of the 13th. You may be able to see around 60 meteors an hour during the peak. You can also catch glimpses of the Perseid meteors until the last week of August. See GB2RS Propagation News […]

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Perseids meteors to peak

| August 10, 2018

The Perseids meteor shower will peak between the night of Sunday, 12 August 2018 and the early morning hours of the 13th. You may be able to see around 60 meteors an hour during the peak. You can also catch glimpses of the Perseid meteors until the last week of August. See GB2RS Propagation News […]

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