Archive for 2018

News for Wales – 18 November 2018

| November 16, 2018

Marches Amateur Radio Society is running the North East Wales net this Sunday night from 9pm on 145.425MHz. Thursday sees a talk on 3D printing. For details, email On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is having a DVD night. Contact Steve Williams, MW6CCG, on 0787 849 4337. On Monday Wireless in Wales Amateur Radio […]

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Supporting, encouraging and recognising the work of our volunteers and staff

| November 14, 2018
Supporting, encouraging and recognising the work of our volunteers and staff

As part of the RSGB’s five-year strategy, we strive to enhance support and recognition of our volunteers, as well as developing ways of working with them more closely. With just 11 full-time and 5 part- time members of staff managing all of the commercial and operational functions of the Society, our 800-plus volunteers, who deliver […]

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UK Spectrum Policy Forum Update

| November 13, 2018

RSGB have contributed to a study on Social & Economic Spectrum aspects being undertaken by the  industry-led UK Spectrum Policy Forum (UKSPF), which is facilitated by the techUK industry association. The RSGB presentation by Graham Murchie G4FSG had a focus on skills development and innovation. This follows an earlier study in 2015. News Item – Nov 2018 Presentation Slides – inc […]

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Cliff Lindsay, G4VJI, 6th November 2018

| November 13, 2018

It is with much sadness that I have to report that my good friend Cliff Lindsay, G4VJI passed away peacefully at home in Blandford, Dorset on 6th November 2018. He had been diagnosed with terminal cancer earlier in the year but he battled it right to the end. I had the pleasure of knowing Cliff for […]

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GB2RS News Script for 11 November 2018

| November 9, 2018

Please click the link below to download this week’s news script GB2RS News Script for 11 November 2018

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India gets 60, 630 and 2200m

| November 9, 2018

The Indian Government’s Telecommunications regulator has published a 2018 Update to the Indian National Frequency Plan, effective from the 25th of October. It lists new amateur bands at 5MHz, 472 and 136kHz. In more detail that means 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz as Secondary users with 15W EIRP. 472 to 479kHz is also as a Secondary user, […]

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