Archive for December, 2018

CEPT WPT – Draft Report 289

| December 6, 2018

In Autumn 2018, CEPT consulted on their report on Wireless Power Transmission for Electric Vehicles (WPT-EV) in 79-90 kHz RSGB: Submission to CEPT re Draft ECC Report-289 on WPT,  Nov-2018 CEPT: Published ECC Report-289, Jan-2019    

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December 2018 Diode Tester article correction

| December 6, 2018
December 2018 Diode Tester article correction

In the December 2018 edition of RadCom we published the Multi-Mode Diode Tester article by Dave Ellis, G4AJY. Unfortunately some gremlins crept into the circuit diagram, meaning that it wouldn’t work as intended if built as shown. The main problems were the 1M resistor R4 and the labelling of switch Sw1b.. R4 was incorrectly shown […]

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