Archive for September, 2018

News for Northern Ireland – 23 September 2018

| September 21, 2018

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Scotland – 23 September 2018

| September 21, 2018

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. This Sunday, Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society will be operating for Railways on the Air in Crathes. On Thursday there will be a talk given by their construction competition winner. Full details from Fred, GM3ALZ on 01975 651 365. Stirling and District Amateur Radio […]

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Roy Smith, G3MPB, 9 September 2018

| September 21, 2018
Roy Smith, G3MPB, 9 September 2018

Roy Smith, G3MPB was born in 1913 and passed away on the 9th of September 2018. Despite operating from a postage stamp suburban garden and only using 100W to a multiband vertical with single 4ft ground rod, Roy achieved the DXCC Honor Roll with 358 DXCCs to his credit. He had participated in every Commonwealth […]

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News for England South-East – 23 September 2018

| September 21, 2018

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. This Sunday, Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society will continue operating GB2RGM for Railways on the Air weekend. It also holds day two of the Foundation Course and Exam. On Thursday there’s a net from 8pm on 144.725MHz, and on Friday there’s […]

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News for England South-West – 23 September 2018

| September 21, 2018

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. This Sunday, North Bristol Amateur Radio Club, as part of Railways on the Air weekend, will be operating next to the station building at Avon Valley Railway. They also have permission to work ‘Railway Mobile’ from live rolling stock, so may have a […]

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News for Wales – 23 September 2018

| September 21, 2018

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Marches Amateur Radio Society holds the North East Wales net on Monday from 9pm on 145.425MHz. Thursday sees a junk sale. For details, email Wireless in Wales Amateur Radio Club meets on Monday for HF operating at the Wireless in Wales Museum, […]

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