Archive for May, 2018
Propagation News – 20 May 2018
Last week continued with zero sunspots after the 13th and a solar flux index of around 70. NOAA had forecast poorer geomagnetic conditions from Thursday, the 17th. The solar wind speed, as measured at the ACE spacecraft, did increase on Thursday morning but the K-index hadn’t got above three by Thursday afternoon. Overall, HF conditions […]
Keith Haynes, G3WRO joins RSGB Board

We are pleased to announce that at the last RSGB Board meeting Keith Haynes, G3WRO was co-opted onto the Board.
Thousands watch CubeSat deployment
Three CubeSats were deployed on Friday from the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo aboard the International Space Station. The satellites were Irazu from Costa Rica, 1KUNS-PF from Kenya and UBAKUSAT from Turkey. All of them carry amateur radio telemetry payloads; UBAKUSAT also carries a linear transponder for SSB and CW. Details of the beacon and transponder frequencies […]
2×1 calls for Norwegian clubs
The Norsk Radio Relae Liga, RSGB’s counterpart in Norway, has been given the responsibility to issue new 2×1 contest call signs to that nation’s amateur community. The first 27 calls were issued in mid-April 2018 at the country’s biggest rally, Norsk Hammeting, and last five years. With few exceptions the new call signs are available […]
CQ WW CW contest logs to be re-scored
A change in scoring methodology for handling duplicate contacts in the CW weekend of the 2017 CQ World Wide DX Contest led to an inconsistency with the standards by which logs submitted for the SSB weekend of the same contest were scored. After considerable discussion and debate among members of the CQ WW Contest Committee […]
Dayton Hamvention next week
Next weekend is the Dayton Hamvention®. The RSGB QSL Bureau is attending, which will of course mean they are out of the office for some time. This, plus an expected influx of cards from Dayton will make them very busy afterwards. All Members, clubs and special event stations are asked to delay sending any other […]