Archive for May, 2018
Propagation News – 27 May 2018
A glancing blow from a high-speed solar wind stream caused the K-index to rise to three on Wednesday. This was a little unexpected as it came from a polar coronal hole on the Sun that didn’t look like it would impact the Earth. This brought mixed blessings as an initial positive phase saw the maximum […]
Grab your R series call sign now!
There is still just time to get yourself the unique R Notice of Variation that is being used to celebrate this weekend’s royal wedding. All grades of licence can apply; it is valid only from 19 to 21 May 2018. Full details of how to apply for the free NoV, and how to use it, […]
YOTA 2018 team announced
Congratulations to the young radio amateurs who have been chosen to represent the UK at YOTA 2018 in South Africa this summer. Peter Barnes, M0SWN will be the UK team leader, whilst Benjamin Chalmers, M0NBA, Nathan Prentice, 2I0NTP and Mike Jones, 2E0MLJ will form the UK team. On their return they will be helping to […]
Guide to Ofcom online licensing portal
The February edition of RadCom included a helpful article by Ofcom about their Licensing Portal, Registration and Revalidation, which are all on the Ofcom website. The RSGB has now made the article available on its website as an easy reference for every one, whether or not they are an RSGB Member. You can download it […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
As mentioned last week, the RSGB QSL Bureau is attending Dayton Hamvention® this weekend, meaning the office is unstaffed. This, plus an expected influx of cards from Dayton will make them very busy for a while afterwards. All Members, clubs and special event stations are asked to delay sending any other cards to the Bureau until after 3 […]
Please delay cards to help QSL Bureau
As mentioned last week, the RSGB QSL Bureau is attending Dayton Hamvention® this weekend, meaning the office is unstaffed. This, plus an expected influx of cards from Dayton will make them very busy for a while afterwards. All Members, clubs and special event stations are asked to delay sending any other cards to the Bureau […]