Archive for February, 2018
National Club of the Year 2017 and the RSGB Strategy

This year the RSGB has decided to change the theme of the National Club of the Year competition to fit more closely with its strategic goals. The theme of “Mentoring and Retention” sits right at the heart of the Society’s main goal of having “an active and thriving amateur radio community” and sends a two-fold […]
DMR talkgroup for universities
Paul Thieme, President of the Purdue University Amateur Radio Club, W9YB in the United States wants to hear from UK university amateur radio clubs that have linked DMR repeaters. Recently, his club has been working with Brandmeister worldwide officials to create a DMR talkgroup specifically for university amateur radio operators. In the States they have […]
Amateur becomes Harvard President
A radio amateur, Lawrence Bacow, KA1FZQ has been selected to become the 29th president of Harvard University. He was selected from among a field of some 700 candidates and will take office on 1 July 2018.
QSL Bureau volunteers wanted
The RSGB QSL Bureau is seeking to appoint a new volunteer for the MW and 2W sub group, due to the retirement of the current sub-manager. This is an active and growing QSL group, involving around 15-20,000 QSL cards, delivered in three to four batches for sorting and distribution each year. Prospective volunteers will need […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
As the 3Y0Z Bouvet DXpedition was sadly cancelled due to bad weather and engine trouble on the transport vessel, another DXpedition has restarted their plans to visit the island. According to the web page, operators Dominik, 3Z9DX, Stanislaw, SQ8X, Leszek, SP3DOI, Branko, YU4DX and Frans, J69DS have a landing permit issued by the Norwegian Polar […]
DXCC most-wanted updated on ClubLog
The DXCC Most Wanted entities list has been updated on ClubLog. The list contains 340 entities and the top 10 entities seem to have changed with the addition of Kosovo. The top spot still goes to North Korea, followed by Bouvet Island, Crozet Island and the Republic of Kosovo. ClubLog author Michael Wells, G7VJR, says […]