Archive for January, 2018
An active and thriving amateur radio community is what we need!

Part of our strategic goal for 2022 is to have an active and thriving amateur radio community. I’m going to explain this a little more and pose some questions for you, the Members. The Strategy’s narrative says this about the 2022 goal: “The inescapable truth is that the amateur radio community is ageing and we […]
RSGB Band Plans updated
The 2018 RSGB Band Plans can be found in the forthcoming February edition of RadCom, due to arrive with Members this week, and online. These incorporate changes from the 2017 IARU Region 1 Conference, along with UK usage changes. The main changes are in the 5MHz HF band, and the 50, 144 and 430MHz VHF/UHF […]
RSGBTech and RSGBForum have moved
The independent Yahoo groups RSGBTech and RSGBForum have moved to Existing members of both groups, with working accounts, were automatically copied to the corresponding new groups. In addition, previous messages, files and so on held in each group were also copied to the new group location in order to maintain continuity of service. Any […]
Raspberry Jam at TNMOC
Raspberry Jams are something of a phenomenon. Independent and run by volunteers, they gather together people from all walks of life to celebrate the Raspberry Pi in particular, and digital making in general. The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park is holding a Raspberry Jam for younger people, who are just starting out with […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Phil Cragg, G3UGK has indicated that he is standing down as Morse Competency Project Lead. The RSGB wishes to thank him for his work on behalf of the Training and Education Committee (TEC). The RSGB is now seeking a successor to take forward the Morse competency scheme, including proposed changes to make the scheme more […]
RSGB Morse project vacancy
Phil Cragg, G3UGK has indicated that he is standing down as Morse Competency Project Lead. The RSGB wishes to thank him for his work on behalf of the Training and Education Committee (TEC). The RSGB is now seeking a successor to take forward the Morse competency scheme, including proposed changes to make the scheme more […]