Archive for 2017

News for England South-East – 25 June 2017

| June 23, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society has nets today and next Sunday at 11am on 145.4MHz ± QRM and 5pm on 3.7MHz ± QRM. Wednesday sees a net from 9pm on 70.425MHz. Details from Andy Briers, G0KZT, via email to Radio Society of Harrow has its […]

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News for England South-West – 25 June 2017

| June 23, 2017

We start with news that Torbay Amateur Radio Society Training Team is running Intermediate practical sessions as part of weekly club nights. They will culminate in an Intermediate licence weekend workshop and exams in October. The cost is around £70 per candidate, covering room hire and exam fees. Application forms can be found on the […]

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News for Wales – 25 June 2017

| June 23, 2017

We start with an announcement by Blackwood and District Amateur Radio Society. The club will be moving to new, improved facilities at the new Islwyn High School, Waterloo Road, Oakdale, NP12 0NU, where it will continue to hold its regular Friday meetings. The site is also registered as an RSGB Examination Centre and the club […]

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YOTA teams asked for questions for the ISS contact

| June 22, 2017

YOTA teams across the world have been invited to submit questions for the planned contact with the International Space Station during YOTA 2017. Linking with the theme of the amateur radio event, questions need to focus on communications – which can include amateur radio, cell phones, data links, satellites, etc. YOTA team members have been asked […]

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Super Supporter vlog released

| June 22, 2017

George Dobbs, G3RJV (Hon Secretary) and Graham Firth, G3MFJ (Hon Treasurer) explain why the GQRP Club is delighted to be a Super Supporter of YOTA 2017. Both are long-standing radio amateurs and well-known in the radio amateur community. Graham says, “We feel strongly about encouraging the younger folk to the hobby – and we support it […]

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Propagation Studies Committee meeting, 13 May 2017

| June 21, 2017

Follow the link below to read the minutes of this meeting. Propagation Studies Committee Meeting, 13 May 2017 (8-page/280KB PDF)

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