Archive for 2017

News for England South-East – 2 July 2017

| June 30, 2017

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society has nets on Sunday and next Sunday at 11am on 145.4MHz ± QRM and 5pm on 3.7MHz ± QRM. Wednesday sees a net from 9pm on 70.425MHz. Details from Andy Briers, G0KZT, via email to Essex Ham continues its online […]

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News for England South-West – 2 July 2017

| June 30, 2017

Exeter Amateur Radio Society has its monthly net on GB3EX at 7.45pm on Tuesday. Contact Nick, M0NRJ, on 01363 775 756. On Wednesday Cornish Radio Amateur Club is holding a committee meeting, followed by the main meeting on Thursday. Saturday sees setup for the Cornish Radio Amateur Club rally, which takes place next Sunday at […]

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News for Wales – 2 July 2017

| June 30, 2017

On Monday Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having a radio quiz by John, GW3GUX. Contact John Pritchard, MW0JWP, on 0751 503 1025. On Tuesday Barry Amateur Radio Society is running a training course. More information from Glyn, GW0AWA, via email to On Tuesday Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society is holding a rig clinic. Details from […]

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Consultation on VHF-UHF UKAC scoring schemes 2017

| June 30, 2017

The consultation on VHF-UHF UK Activity Contest future scoring schemes is now available (25-page/3.1MB PDF). Online voting on this consultation will be available between 29 July and 20 August. RSGB Members who are active VHF/UHF contesters are encouraged to read the consultation document and vote. Briefing note from the UKAC workshop on 3 June 2017

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Mick Moffat, M0MMI, 26th May 2017

| June 29, 2017
Mick Moffat, M0MMI, 26th May 2017

All members of Verulam ARC were saddened to learn that one of its members, Mick Moffat, M0MMI, died on the 26th May at the age of 73 after a battle with cancer. Mick was one of the club’s most respected members, a lovely person always happy to help others. He contributed greatly to many of […]

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vlog #11 introduces the second UK YOTA 2017 team member

| June 27, 2017

The second UK team member for YOTA 2017 introduces himself in our latest vlog. Jonathan, M0JSX is 24 and a member of Reading and District Amateur Radio Club (RADARC). He has a wide range of interests within amateur radio – have a listen and find out more!

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